Saturday, August 21, 2004

Japanese children's books from 1920sBoing Boing
Xeni Jardin: Browsing through this beautiful gallery of children's book illos from the '20s, I keep thinking about the fact that these were all created during a period just before Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It's kind of fascinating to look at the art from this period of Japanese history, and consider the fact that the people who remember these books as part of their own child years were around my own age group -- twenty or thirtysomething -- when the bomb dropped and changed everything. Maybe a hundred years from now, some young person will stumble on an "Electric Company" episode and think, "Wow, that's what the 9/11 generation was watching in their diapers." There's some interesting analysis on a subsection of this website. Snip: "The children in Kodomo no kuni seem to be enjoying the pleasures of modern city life. There are Western-style houses, trains and cars running along busy streets, airplanes flying in the sky, and subways passing beneath a townscape bristling with skyscrapers.

What is different from now is the energy and cheerfulness with which people seemed to be looking forward to the happy future that materialistic prosperity would surely bring."

Maybe those people 100 years ahead will look back on our enthusiasm for technology the same way. Someone in 2104 will take a break from watching Olympic nanorobotic doping scandal coverage on their ocular implants. They'll blink "pause," and browse the BoingBoing archives, and think, "How quaint, how naive. If only those poor fin-de-siecle suckers had stopped at Perl."

Link to Kodomo no kuni (via MeFi)


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